Prince Video

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Snow Play

Last Night I saw Snow for the first time, its wonderful, but cold on the paws.
This morning I played in the garden and enjoyed the alfresco bird poo ice lollies, ( which I really don't like that much), but I just love to see Mums reaction and she chases me which is always fun too.
Apart from the lollies, snow really doesnt taste of much really, but its fun to jump and roll in.

Snowflakes are kisses from heaven. ~Author Unknown

They are very cold ones aren't they. ~Prince


Jennifer MacNeill said...

Aw Prince, you look like you're having so much fun in your first snow!

m1 Designs said...

You look like your having tons of fun in the white stuff. My Dachshunds are not able to go out in it because it is several feet high in some areas and they get lost. When their sister Coffee the lab was still with us she would be the first out to make little tunnels for the Dachsies to follow. Makes me smile just thinking of that.

D.K. Wall said...

Isn't snow the coolest stuff?

Scout and Freyja said...

Our momma should send your momma the recipe she has for snow ice cream - YUM! It is furry good! We ♥ being in the snow but boy, it's been cold up here so momma doesn't let us stay outside too long cause she worried 'bout our feet freezin'☺

Lucy said...

That's so cute! I could watch puppies in the snow all day if it was just warm! Thanks for stopping by My Secrets For Happyness!

Annette Tait said...

Prince looks like he is having a super time! and not even cold lying down in the snow, gosh!

First Draught Farm said...

Howling out loud: "alfresco bird poo ice lollies" . . . !!!! What a perfect first snow day!

Kathleen said...

Hello, Prince ~ We saw our first snow this week! It was cold and wet and kind of crunchy. After it melted, we played in the mud. Missie thought that the snow was prettier than the mud. We wonder why...

Lova and Cookie
the resident pooches

Mila said...

Poppy... I love you!
Pls say hi to Poppy from Teodoro, Emma, Emily and 4 cats ;)!
Mila :)

Elaine. said...

Oh, you were so lucky to have Poppy, she was much loved. And Prince, well, he's a Prince and what a guilty look that boy has. I love watching my dogs in the snow. My black lab likes to sleep in it. Silly Kota Bear! That's what we call him. Truly a cubby bear at heart, who again, thinks he's a 5 pound lap dog, instead of reality check of 70 lbs of muscle. Love the blog. Glad you are such an animal lover and create wonderful art work with the animals.
Elaine, rescue and bone bone handler
Miley Elizabeth, Kota Bear,
Queso(rescued turtle now 2) and the humans daddy and Bailey Ann

Dawn said...

Awww Poppy you are just adorable!

Bee said...

Linda, delighted to see you are following my blog now, I shall be following yours too as Prince has me hooked.

Nanna Bee's Hive

Mendy said...

ohhh goodness!! what a cutie he is! love this photo series!! xo mendy

Catherine said...

Oh, look at you!! What a handsome boy!!

My Max and Chilli just love the snow too!

Linda Fleming said...

Aww.. how adorable!

-_- said...
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Soggibottom said...

We always have biscuits and lots of them x x x