Here comes the Big Bad Wolf, open your eyes Bella...

Ahh, You thought I was going to eat her didn't you?, Shame on you...

Aghh, Shes got me in The Pedigree Ref..
(That's one of TripleH's WWF moves)
she must be a wrestling fan.

Oh my Eye..Ref,Ref..

I know, I love you too....

This is Bella, My cousin, Yeah I know she's small, but she's tough too, and a bit Kissy as well, which I really like. What can I say! I like Girls...
Prince :)
Time out, Nap Time...
Ahhhhh love the photos, Bella had such a lovely time today, and is very tired, she hasnt left her bed since coming home.
Thank you Aunty Linda for the photo session, really loved it, Mummy says im an natural. xx
Too cute, and how much fun did they have!?! I especially love the "kissy" photo:-)
Hi Prince!
You and Bella have some wonderful Love going on there. Any chance I can take her place, I am mini schnauzer as well!
Enjoy summer!
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