Prince Video

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Its Christmas

My Santa Toy, Love it, a present from my doggy cousin Bella, Thank you Bella...........Princexx

Sunday, 19 December 2010

The Prince and The Pea

Mum sent off on the internet for an extra large luxury bed, it was very comfy, but I kept rolling off it.
Then Mum and Dad went out and bought me an even bigger one, with sides, but it was too wobbly, I didn't like it.
So they popped them both together, and it was perfect!!
See I knew they would get it right, if I just looked sad enough....
Its evergreeen tarten ,and beige and brown Mum said the colours all went funny, under the lights.

Not Sure

I'm too big


Just right

Thursday, 9 December 2010

BeWare of Cameras, and Hats

Mum Just likes to snap away, when I'm worn out and can show no resistance,
Noo.. not the Santa Hat!! :)

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Albert's Greyhound Eos

In the six week old puppy, Prince Albert found unconditional companionship, loyalty and love. When at the age of twenty-one he came to England to marry his cousin Victoria, Queen Victoria. Eos travelled with him.
He has been immortalised by Landseer, a multi talented artist. This statue of Eos stands in the grounds of the Osborne estate.
There is a tiny room within the house that holds many of the family's animal portraits, The Horn Room, unfortunately you have to view through a windowed door, I always find it, the most interesting of all the rooms, if not the most impressive.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Action Dogs

This looks great fun, I want to be an action dog too. Prince x

A Great day out for the dogs who are part of the team at Newfound Friends and who enjoyed a funday moment of the day while raising much needed funds for the many charities who benefit by their wonderful displays.
Meet the dogs at their website see video and check out forthcoming events..
Sunday they were raising funds for The Earl Mountbatten Hospice situated on the Isle of Wight. The Hospice is the Island's centre of excellence in caring for people with life-shortening illnesses and their families and carers.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Your Photos will help Animal Charities

Your Photos of us can really help animals who aren't so lucky as we are to get help and maybe a new home.
The Charitable trust...The Fabulous Animal Rescue Project incorporates
a global effort to raise funds for animal rescue groups, shelters, and sanctuaries. Please read their profile for more information about our project on the Etsy site or
Be sure to visit their blog ......

and their Etsy Shop, where they turn your beautiful photographs of us handsome pups, kits and pets into cards and products they can sell to raise funds..

Now off you go and get your owners to take more pictures of your beautiful selves to send in...
This is a picture of Alice when she was a pup.... MUM take some photos of ME now...

Tuesday, 6 July 2010


Whats Brown and sticky?

A Stick, of course,
and I'm chewing one and Dad is going to be in so much trouble for letting me, as I'm not allowed to, and HE TOOK Pictures!!
Theres no helping some mates.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Fields to Run in.....

I love running through these fields, chasing everyone,( Chase counter today; 2 Foxes, 4 Rabbits, 1 Pheasant) and apart from the rabbit treats, which I've sicked up in the back anyway, I'm hungry now, so its always nice to go home for breakfast.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Wash Day Blues for Linus and Prince

Today is not one of my favourite days, Its Washday.
I noticed my buddies dissapearing from around the house, then I found them stuffed in that wishy washy thing.

Hey Buddies, what are you doing in There? Really Wash Day!
I'll rescue you,
Ok, I'm going in .

But Mum I need them don't put them back, I know they are dirty, thats how I like them.

I hope its just a short wash!

I know how Linus Feels Now
Its OK, I'm here for you guys.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Cool Biker Dog, and doggles

This dog is definately my Hero.
I want Mum to get one of these dog riding attachments put on her motorbike, I really want to be a biker dog.
I already have my skull and crossbones scarf.
Prince x

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Apologies. Long Absence

Hi There, I Apologise for my long absence from our Blog, The weather has been so bad here, with just the occasional bright spot of sunshine. Its made it so hard to get Mum prised away from her art to get out and take Photographs. Although I might add she has been out of the house, getting soaked on many daily regular trips walking me and caring and feeding our other family member Woozle.(which is probably why she prefers to dry out a bit in between)
Its drier today, still cold but there is the promise of spring in the emerging flowers.
I am just over a year old now, and can nearly cock my leg!! Yahh..
Oh,... Poppy prompted that the last comment wasn't the sort of thing to write in a blog post,.. sorry.. :)

Quote; Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Mmm, good for mealtimes too, the Tummy clock is never wrong.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Snow Play

Last Night I saw Snow for the first time, its wonderful, but cold on the paws.
This morning I played in the garden and enjoyed the alfresco bird poo ice lollies, ( which I really don't like that much), but I just love to see Mums reaction and she chases me which is always fun too.
Apart from the lollies, snow really doesnt taste of much really, but its fun to jump and roll in.

Snowflakes are kisses from heaven. ~Author Unknown

They are very cold ones aren't they. ~Prince