It was a real pleasure to create a piece of artwork for Gail and Sonia, and real good therapy for me too at a difficult time, I realise now, that it made me concentrate on doing a positive action to bring a smile to three very special people.
Sonia http://darkravensnest.blogspot.com/
Gail http://artbygail.blogspot.com/
I'm glad you posted your photo here! I couldn't get the colors to come out right on mine!
I so love my painting and feel so honored to call you friend.
It made our hearts smile to send it to you Gail, your friend Linda & PoppyXX
I just found your blog and sadly, see that your girl is at the Bridge. Please know that although we haven't met, I know the immense pain when you lose someone you love so very much. I've got your blog marked because someday I hope to see that Poppy brought you another puppy to love.
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