My health took a little step backward step recently, as my groin strain sidelined for a week, my enjoyable little walks.
Today, I was able to show Mum just how well I really am again, by twirling, and doing the 'Happy Dance' as my breakfast arrived , unfortunately this ended in my head hitting the food bowl in her hand and upending my breakie all over the living room carpet.
Of course I did my best to help her with the cleaning up, as usual.
I got a Flying Airball today from Marmeduke Ginger Bits. He will be arriving next month, to do a series of cat to cat interviews with Queen Divas for the magazine 'Cats in The City', very talented these cats, I didn't know he wrote as well as being an Art Critic!
He was also very excited to tell me he has an interview with Pussy Galore the James Bond film character. I didn't have the heart to tell him shes a human actress, still, I'm sure Honor will enjoy the catnip mouse he is bringing for her.
This news means I will have to get my paws in gear, and do a bit of pawtrait art for MGB's arrival, perhaps I can inspire Mum too.
Happy Dance is what I always enjoy from margrit and henry...Margrit pulled a lil leg muscle in all her puppy hyperness and is nursing to health...if she can not over do it...Henry is just a weight issue (pugs like to eat no matter full or not)..Have a great weekend..
Sonia ;)
I'm afraid the happy dance ,did it again for poor Poppy.
Magrit & Henry sound charming, pugs are such adorable little pups so full of character.
You have a great W/E too. :) Linda
Around here we have the Dachsie 500 going on all the time.
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